Growth - GAMCO Investors, Inc.



We invest in companies with above average growth in earnings, cash flow or asset values which we believe will provide excellent investment returns over time. These companies typically have strong balance sheets, leading market positions and visible long term growth prospects.


Seek to outperform the Russell 1000 Growth index by 2%, net of fees over a period of 5 years and longer.


We identify large cap companies with superior long term growth prospects. Stocks are ranked for timeliness using our Earnings Valuation Model (EVM). Risk is managed using diversification and valuation constraints.

Institutional Composites
Composite NameInception Date
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Management Team
Howard Ward, CFA
Howard Ward, CFA

CIO, Growth

Northeastern University - BA

Caesar M.P. Bryan
Caesar M.P. Bryan

Portfolio Manager, International Growth

Southampton University - LLB

We invest in companies with above average growth in earnings, cash flow or asset values which we believe will provide excellent investment returns over time. These companies typically have strong balance sheets, leading market positions and visible long term growth prospects.
Important Information
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The compound annual growth rates (“Performance”) set forth in the preceding page are derived from a composite that represents 9 accounts with an aggregate market value of $103.0 Million in the Large Cap Growth strategy as of 12/31/18. Not all accounts managed in the Large Cap Growth strategy are included in the composite. The average and median account size of the accounts in the composite is $11.4 Million and $2.3 Million, respectively. The largest account is valued at $39.9 Million and the smallest account at $153.0 Thousand. The composite represents fully discretionary accounts managed for the full period under measurement. The composite began on 1/10/96. The standard deviation of the composite returns is 0.4%. Accounts in the composite are valued using trade date accounting and are time-weighted. The performance results include the reinvestment of dividends, interest, and/or capital gains as of the payment date. The performance results set forth are net of actual fees and actual transaction costs. All performance results are before taxes and custodial fees.
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